日時: 2015年12月26日~31日
場所: インド・ダージリン地方リショップ
主催者: インド支部 シヴァジ・ガングリー支部長
2015年12月26日~31日、美しい自然に囲まれたダージリン地方リショップにて、インド国代表のシヴァジ・ガングリー支部長の指揮の下、第 10回全インドウィンターキャンプが開催されました。
第二セッションは11:30から開始され、主に型の練習や移動稽古が行われました。15:30からの第三セッションでは、主に組手のテクニックに重点が 置かれ、夕方のセッションでは実践的で理論的なクラスも開かれました。
The 10th All India Winter Camp
Date: December 26th – 31st, 2015
Place: Rishyap, Darjeeling, India
Organizer: India Branch Chief Shivaji Ganguly
Shinkyokushin India had organized the 10th Winter Camp at Rishyap, Darjeeling (North Bengal) from 26th to 31st December, 2015.
Rishyap is a beautiful hill station and has a very nice natural environment for practicing.
Our sessions used to start at early morning 5:30 am at a chilling temperature of one degree Celsius. The morning session included meditation uphill running, stamina and strength workouts, basics practice. The idea was to acclimatize the body with nature.
Then the second session used to start from 11:30 where we practiced mainly katas and ido geiko.
Our third afternoon session used to start from 15:30 where we mainly focused on kumite techniques. Inter-active sessions were held in the evenings where both Practical and Theoretical Classes were taken.
Approx 100 Participants from all age groups participated in this Winter Camp. Our main aim was to inculcate the real Budo spirit in our students through hard training.
The camp was organized under the direct supervision of Shihan Shivaji Ganguly, Country Representative of India. The technical director of the camp was Sensei Shibayan Ganguly. Sensei Prabir Mondal and sensei Sauvik Chakraborty were the chief instructor and coordinator respectively.