11月9日(土)/9th November(Sat.)
9:00 開場/Stadium doors open
9:30 開会式/Opening Ceremony
10:00 試合開始/Start of bouts
Women & Men 1st~3rd Round(Men AB・Women A block fighting area 1, Men CD・Women B block fighting area 2)
13:00-13:30 一斉休憩/Break
16:30 終了予定/End of tournament (expected)
11/10(日)/10th November(Sun.)
9:00 開場/Stadium doors open
10:00 試合開始/Start of bouts/男子4回戦 Men 4th Round
11:30 開会式/Opening Ceremony
12:00 男子5回戦/Men 5th Round
12:40 準々決勝/Women & Men Quarterfinals
13:20 少年演武・骨髄バンク基金贈呈/Children Demonstration・Donation to Marrow Bank
14:00 準決勝/Women & Men Semi-final
14:30 特別ライブ(仮面女子)/Special live performance (KAMENJOSHI)
14:50 3位決定戦/Women & Men 3rd place match
15:05 特別演武(谷川 光支部長 五段/渡辺大士 参段/将口恵美 弐段)/Special Demonstration(Ko Tanigawa 5th Dan, Taishi Watanabe 3rd Dan, Emi Shoguchi 2nd Dan)
15:40 決勝戦/Women & Men Final
16:00 閉会式/Closing Ceremony
16:30 終了予定/End of tournament (expected)