日時: 2018年6月2日
場所: カナダ・ケベック州モントリオール
主催者: 新極真会カナダ(運営委員長:リチャード・ラボンテ)
The 1st Canadian Championship Shinkyokushinkai 2018
Date: June 2, 2018
Place: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Shinkyokushinkai Canada, Chief Organizer Richard Labonte
The 1st Canadian Championship Shinkyokushinkai 2018 was a great success for the first edition. In this grand event, 210 participants from more than 25 dojo participated.
In addition, there was a team of 50 judges and referees, a team of 10 people for the medical, a team of 12 people in charge of security and several volunteers. In total almost 150 volunteers helped this event to be successful.
Friday night was the weigh-in, and the seminar for referees and judges were held with assistance of Shihan Jesus Talan. On Saturday morning, the competition started at 9:30 a.m. and ended around 19:00 p.m. On Sunday, Shihan Jesus Talan gave two classes, one before noon and the other after dinner, and it was very enriching and a pleasure of all.
Shinkyokushinkai Canada is ready to choose a date for another successful championship for the next year.