主催:WKOインド支部 (シヴァジ・ガングリー支部長)
12月25日、26日にインド、カルカッタにおいて第15回インドフルコンタクト空手大会 及び 第1回インドクラシック空手大会が行われました。
The 15th National Full Contact Karate Tournament and the 1st
National Classic Karate Tournament
Place: Harish Park, Bhawanipore ( Kolkata, India)
Date: 25th, 26th December,2012
Organizer: WKO India Branch (Branch Chief : Shivaji Ganguly)
We have successfully completed the 15th National Full Contact Karate Tournament and the 1st National Classic Karate Tournament. The Honorable Sports Minister of West Bengal and Jt Commissioner of Armed Police have graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and the Special Guest respectively. They have highly appreciated Full Contact Karate in the press interview.There were about more than 300 participants. The tournaments were coordinated by Shibayan Ganguly.
In the 15th National Full Contact Karate Tournament there were categories according to age and weight. Participants from different states participated in the different categories. For the first time we organized the classic tournament where the best selected fighters (Senior men Category) participated. The fighters were selected on the basis of their previous performance.
The Champion of the light weight Category in the Classic tournament is Mr Shyamantak Ganguly and in the heavy wt category Mr Souvik Chakroborty