the International Day against Drug Abuse in Navoi, Uzbekistan
Date:25th June 2013
Place: Navoi, Uzbekistan
The sport event and the marathon race with the members of the center Shinkyokushinkai karate the Republic of Uzbekistan “Nur-Has” (devoted to struggle against narcotic) under the name “We will struggle against drug abuse” was organized on 25th June 2013, the eve of the International Day against Drug Abuse in Navoi, Uzbekistan.
The head of the event was Country Representative, Branch-chief Khasan Nazarov, WKO in Uzbekistan.
There were about a hundred young boys and girls. There were invited young students from schools who also participated in this action, the parents of the participants, the narcologist, the representative from the Office of Public Prosecutor.
The action aimed to speak up and call society’s attention on the negative results of drug use. We should do everything to prevent young people from the use of drugs.
The karate demonstration performance and the marathon race by the members of The Center “Nur-Has” Shinkyokushinkai Karate was held successfully.
All the participants who took part in the event were awarded with presents and diploma.