カナダ・ギルバート支部 第3回新極真会アウトドアセミナーが、10月16日にモントリオールのモンロワイヤル公園で開催され、70名以上が参加しました。
Canada Gilbert Branch Third Shinkyokushinkai Outdoor Seminar
Date: October 16th, 2022
Place: Mount-Royal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Canada Branch (Branch Chief Andre Gilbert)
On Sunday, October 16th, 2022, at the Mount-Royal park in Montreal, Quebec, the 3rd annual Outdoor Shinkyokushinkai Seminar took place. More than 70 people participated in this seminar. It was a magnificent warm sunny day with all of the fall colors and their beautiful reflections from the lake in front of participants.
Seven different workshops were conducted. Shihan André Gilbert started off the seminar with new Ido-geiko movements. All of the students were then placed into their separate workshops. The workshops: Shihan Alain Bonnamie (box & kickboxing), Shihan John Kalaidopoulos (advanced katas),
Sensei Richad Labonté (pinan & bunkai), Sensei Sylvain Massé (bo), Sensei Fayçal Ouaglal (tonfa) & Sensei Laurie Jasmin (self defense with arms).