The 3rd Open Kyokushinkai Ambassador of Japan Cup
Date: August 25, 2019
Place: Port Louis, Mauritius
Organizer: WKO Mauritius Branch (KMAF Mauritius)
The KMAF (Kyokushinkai Martial Arts Federation) held its Major Tournament of the Year on 25th August 2019 in the honoured presence and supervision of Shihan Yuichiro Osaka from Japan, the Lord Mayor of Port Louis, Mr. Mahfooz Cadersaib, the Japanese Ambassador Mr. Yoshiharu Kato, the President of the KMAF, Mr. Aslum Jeewa, the President of Reunion Shinkyokushinkai , Mr. Jean-Michel Magdeleine, Mr.& Mrs. Kinoshita, Municipal Councilors and Honourable Eddy Boissezon, Minister of Civil Service Affairs and Administrative Reforms.
The most awaited event began at 09:30 sharp at Renganaden Seeneevassen SSS Port Louis. The hall accommodated 120 fighters from 15 different categories, namely, Elite, Senior, Junior, Cadets, Minimes, Benjamin and Poussin, including participants from Japan, Reunion Island, Indonesia and India along with an enthusiastic crowd of parents, friends and fans who came as supporters.
Soon after the presentation of all the fighters, judges and official team, the tournament began with the preliminary rounds from the poussin category up to the Elite ones for both males and females one after the other, for a total of 60 fights in all! Sensei Moobeen, untiringly and unremittingly, acted as centre referee and primary host throughout the whole event.
For this high level tournament which lasted six hours, most participants were experienced and exemplary fighters who did not fail to impress in previous tournaments, while others were young and new adepts, who gained amazing opportunity and experience on the tatami.
Indeed, the red and blue tatami mats welcomed extraordinary talents and techniques, skills and spirit, adrenaline and aspiration, fear and failure, courage and conquest, hard work and happiness, strength and success as demonstrated by every single participant from the various dojos, be it male or female categories.
While many fights ended with Wazari and Ippon, several rounds, especially the semi-finals and finals extended to Hikiwake (draw) that showed the warrior spirit of the fighters who refused to give up until the last second. Several adepts showed how they were reaching new heights with each tournament that they participated, specially giving their all for this particular tournament.
The quarter-finals were concluded with a set of demonstrations by kids from various dojos. Sempai Saleem Hansrod, Sofia Hansrod and Nirupama D’sa, from the Floreal dojo, performed the Pinan Sono Yon Kata followed by a quick self-defence demo and the swift execution of tameshiwari of sticks.
The semi-finals went by in a swift while all athletes gave their best to demarcate themselves from their opponents. Fighters like Tasneem Emambokus from senior female category showed that with patience, perseverance and self-confidence everything can be achieved. Shane Dupre and Anas Mohamedally showed lot of improvements in their fighting skills. Sumaiyah Duymun also did a remarkable performance by taking the 3rd place in her very first participation in her category.
Soon after, Shihan Osaka proceeded with his special demonstration, whereby he performed the Saiha Kata with great ease and precision while concluding his performance with a spectacular breaking of baseball bats with the side of his palms (Shuto).
Indeed, the performance of all athletes were definitely admired and praised by the audience.
Yet, the most outstanding performance remains the Elite fights between the special guest from Japan, notably Sempai Shimura Suzuri and Kelvin Hokin, earning the latter the Best Technician Award. The crowd was loud and deafeningly cheering the young Mauritian’s name, as both fought with gracefully and powerfully executed techniques. The audience did not fail to cheer just as loud for Sempais Zakariyya Ozeer and Sempai Rajeev Bhoynub, both earning the Runner Up and 3rd place in the Elite category respectively. Sempai Suzuri won the 3rd Open Kyokushinkai Ambassador of Japan Cup.
The Elite girls did not fail to impress either, as Sempai Farzanah Aumeer and Sempai Nabiihah Sattar both fought Sempai Cassandra Almanzy from Reunion Island, with remarkable spirit and techniques.
The tournament was brought to a close with the prize giving ceremony, trophies being awarded to each winner and special gifts from BOS Ice Tea, the main sponsor of the tournament, to the champions of each category. Sensei Moobeen wrapped up the event with thanks to all participants and contributors of the event, including the sponsor BOS Ice Tea and Professional First Aiders teams.
A note from the president, Shihan Aslum Jeewa:
Osu! First of all I would like to congratulate every participant for your brilliant performance in yesterday’s tournament. You are all winners. Thanks to all parents, coaches, referees, staff, sponsors, members of the press and Embassy of Japan in Mauritius for your precious support in making this event a success.
My sincere appreciation, also, to Yuichiro Osaka Shihan and Simura Suzuri Sempai for their participation in the seminar and tournament.
Our aim in the federation is to provide our members with the best opportunities to enable them to enhance their skills and knowledge. The presence of these two experts, I’m sure have given you sufficient materials to enable you all to re-evaluate your current situation and take appropriate corrective steps to improve.
No one can train for you.
No one can fight for you.
No one can force you to change.
The only person capable of doing so is only you. Life is an everyday Kumite challenge. You have to fight to get better and not to feed your ego.
You must consider yourself lucky to be part of this organization.
Continue with your daily training to improve yourself.
Share your experiences with your dojo friends.
Make your dojo a place of blessings where you can transmit only positive vibes.
And never forget where you came from.
Osu! May God Almighty bless you all. Love you all. Please keep remembering us in your prayers.