Hala Legionów, ul. Leszka Drogosza 2, 25-093 Kielce, Poland
選手計量 ※時間・場所の詳細は別途案内
8:30 選手受付開始
9:00 開場
10:00 開会式
11:00 試合開始
17:00 試合終了予定
9:30 選手受付開始
10:00 開場
11:00 開会式
11:40 試合開始 ※男子準々決勝~
17:30 終了予定
7WC in Weight Categories Tournament Draw with match numbers & Competition Rules
【Tournament Draw and the Competition Rules】
Please confirm the following files for the 7WC in Weight Categories Tournament Draw with match numbers and the Competition Rules.
7WC Men
7WC Women
7WC Competition Rules
Please also confirm the following basic schedule for the tournament related matters.
September 23 (Fri.)
Competitor Weighing *details of time and place to be announced at later timing
September 24 (Sat.)
8:30 Competitor Registration
9:00 Doors Open
10:00 Opening Ceremony
11:00 Start of Bouts
Court A: 64 bouts
Court B: 66 bouts
*The top 8 Men and top 4 Women competitors will be decided
17:00 Expected Finishing Time
September 25 (Sun.)
9:30 Competitor Registration
10:00 Doors Open
11:00 Opening Ceremony
11:40 Start of Bouts *from Men Quarterfinals
17:30 Expected Finishing Time