日時: 2019年9月6日
場所: アフガニスタン・ナンガルハール州クズクナール地区
主催者: アフガニスタン支部&AFKO
WKO Afghanistan-Eastern Zone Kumite, Kihon and Tameshiwari Training Camp
Date: September 6, 2019
Place: Kuz Kunar District, Nangarhar Province, Eastern Zone, Afghanistan
Organizer: Afghanistan Branch & AFKO Afghanistan
The Kumite, Kihon, and Tameshiwari Training Camp was held on September 6, 2019, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Kuz Kunar District of Nangarhar Province, Eastern Zone Afghanistan, and 80 Karatekas participated.
The invitation has been given to all Eastern Zone Shinkyokushinkai Official Provincial Branch chiefs and Dojos, in result 3 provinces’ Karatekas have participated in this event, which was under the supervision of WKO Shinkyokushinkai Afghanistan Country Representative and President Sensei Abasin Shinwari and with assistance by WKO Afghanistan Contact and Technical Assistant Sensei Habibur Rahman Adil, Sensei Gran Agha Adil, and Sensei Ezatullah Wafa.
Sensei Sarjudin Shigiwal, Nangarhar Provincial Chief Sensei Suliman Nasari, Kunar Provincial Chief Sensei Asmatullah Safi, Sensei Sensei Sharifullah, Sensei Zainullah budin Muhammadi, Sensei Shireendil Latoon, Sensei Wakman Shigiwal, and Sensei Nisar Ahmad Momand also attended.
While conducting the event, Afghanistan Country Representative Sensei Abasin Shinwari has given speech on importance of Karate and the History of Shinkykushinkai Karate along with its ethics, spirit, principles and encouraged them to promote Karate ethics and share those at their dojos.
At the end of the event, a short meeting was conducted with Dojos’ instructors.
The event was successfully finished.