主催者:カザフスタン支部 アディルベク・イルセムベトフ支部長
Almaty Summer Camp 2014
Date:1-11 July
Place:military lyceum ‘Arystan’. Middle altitude of Alatau Mountains.
Organaizer:South Kazakhstan Branch Chief Irsembetov Adilbek, IV Dan(web site)
Almaty Summer Camp 2014 had 72 participants. They take up residence in the great campus of lyceum ‘Arystan’. ‘Arystan’ have own stadium, swimming pool and other objects of infrastructure.
Three or more trainings every day and some active plays (like football, basketball, tennis) for the rest. At the end of Camp – Grading Exam.
As a result of exam we have one new Shodan – Igor Lee, and 4 ni kyu’s.