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新極真会 ブラジル支部・空手シンポジウム&昇級審査inマナウス




The Brazil Branch Symposium

On August 15th, the Symposium was held in Manaus Amazonas, with the theme of karate at school and citizen training. 40 participants were students, parents and teachers of Shinkyokushin karate, Shotokan karate and Shorin ryu karate.
Shihan Dulce talked about her training as a black belt, the importance of karate in life, even commenting that the mat is an extension of the backyard of her house, as her 4 children were all raised on the mat, and they are currently great citizens, responsible, independent and respected.
Shihan Denivaldo Carvalho presented Shinkyokushin, the greatness of the organization, being present in more than 100 countries, major events such as the Dream Cup, the World Championship and KCC. Sensei Edson Azevedo, a karate teacher in Manaus and is a history teacher, he studied the entire history of Shinkyokushin and currently also contributes to the growth of Full Contact Karate. The lecture lasted 2 hours.

On August 16th, the Kyu Exam was held and 18 students challenged. Students passed a written and practical test. The tests were Kihon, Kata, Ido, Kumite and physical test. Among participants, there was a 4 year old child, as well as women aged 49 and a 64 year old. That made us very happy with the testimony that karate saved her from depression.

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