日時: 2016年5月15日
場所: ブラジル・サンパウロ州バルエリ
主催者: ブラジル支部 デニヴァルド・カルヴァルホ支部長
Brazil Technical Class for Kata
Date: May 15th, 2016
Place: Barueri, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Organizer: Brazil Branch Chief Denivaldo Carvalho
The technical class to update Kata was held by Shihan Denivaldo Carvalho at Hombu Dojo, Barueri, on May 15th, 2016.
Shihan Denivaldo Carvalho, with all techniques and patience, taught all the movements of all basic and advanced Kata to instructors so that they will be able to do excellent teaching at their own Dojos.