日時: 2019年5月27日
場所: カナダ・ケベック州モントリオール
主催者: アンドレ・ギルバート支部長
Canada Gilbert Branch Special Grading Exam for Young Children
Date: May 27, 2019
Place: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Branch Chief Andre Gilbert
On Monday, May 27th, at the International Shinkyokushin Karate school of Shihan André Gilbert, downtown Montreal, the grading exam was held for 45 students aged 2, 3, and 4 years old.
Including the students and their parents, over 100 people gathered for the event.
The students all received their orange kyu with a certificate in front of their parents.
It became a truly touching and unforgettable day.
The next generation of students (karateka) are on their way.