日時: 2020年2月18日
場所: カナダ・ケベック州グリーンフィールドパーク
主催者: アラン・ボルデロー支部長
Canada Alain Bordeleau Branch Black Belt Awarding
Date: February 18, 2020
Place: Greenfield Park, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Branch Chief Alain Bordeleau
The months of November and December 2019 were very busy for the Greenfield Park Dojo!
On the 12th and 13th of November, two students from the Greenfield Park Dojo; Sensei Marc-André Vachon and Sensei Michel Bougie successfully passed their 4th Dan in Japan.
In addition, Sensei Christian Ouellet from the Stanstead Dojo, who trains at the Greenfield Park Dojo on a regular basis, also successfully passed his 4th Dan in Japan. Furthermore, on December 6th and 7th, four students from the Greenfield Park dojo successfully passed their 2nd Dan; Sempai Sandra Chapron, Sempai Yuri Stoliarov, Sempai David Sharpe and Sempai Sonia Mina. Moreover, Ms. Catalina Marcu successfully passed the 1st Dan level.
Wheter a karateka passes a belt degree in Japan or in their own dojo, the candidates must be ready to face a very high level of stress, but they must also be able to control their emotions and this can only be achieved after many years of training and preparation. Each candidate must prove to the judges that he or she is ready, that they know the kihon, the ido-geiko and the go-hon-geri techniques, that they know their katas and that they are capable of breaking wooden boards (tameshiwari) with hand and feet. Nevertheless, that isn’t all. Even though the candidates are exhausted, they must still be able to demonstrate their perseverance, their courage and their force of character in combats.
At the end of the day, they will know that it is with hard training, determination, self-discipline and personal commitment that one is able to obtain a black belt!
On February 18th 2020, we were very proud to present, the 1st, 2nd and 4th Dan degree belts to some very happy karatekas. Osu.