日時: 2019年6月15日
場所: カナダ・ケベック州モントリオール
主催者: ジョン・カライドポウロス支部長
Canada West Island Dojo Grading Examination
Date: June 15, 2019
Place: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Branch Chief John Kalaidopoulos
On June 15, the West Island Dojo of John Kalaidopoulos Branch, located in Montreal, Canada held a Yudansha examination (grading examination). Three candidates graded for Sandan and one for Shodan. All candidates went through all kihon, ido geiko, taiso, Kata and kumite as required for their respective levels. Each person has served as an instructor at the dojo and have contributed in teaching for as many as 15 years. Everyone demonstrated strong spirit and perseverance, and each candidate for Sandan completed 30 rounds of kumite and the shodan candidate completed 20 rounds.