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カナダ・ギルバート支部 第1回新極真アウトドアセミナー


日時: 2019年10月6日
場所: カナダ・ケベック州モントリオール・モン・ロワイヤル
主催者: アンドレ・ギルバート支部長


Canada Gilbert Branch First Shinkyokushin Outdoor Seminar

Date: October 6, 2019
Place: Mount-Royal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Organizer: Branch Chief Andre Gilbert

The first Shinkyokushin outdoor seminar in open air was organized by Shihan André Gilbert. It was a great success and thanks to all of the Shihans and Senseis who participated in this event (Shihan Alain Bonnamie, Shihan Chritian Létourneau, Shihan France Carrier, Sensei Luciano Paparella with Sensei Marisa Leone, Sensei Richard Labonté, Sensei Fayçal Ouaglal and Sensei Steve Morin).
A total of 80 participants were present for this event. There were five different workshops where each group worked on different techniques (kihon, ido geiko, kumite, bunkai and katas, as well as, bo and tonfa). 80% of the participants were not present because they were announcing very heavy rain that day. As it turned out, it was a beautiful sunny day.
In October 2020, we will do better.

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