日時: 2017年10月14日
場所: パラグアイ・アスンシオン
主催者: パラグアイ支部
The II Championship of South American Children Juvenile 2017
Date: October 14, 2017
Place: Asuncion, Paraguay
Organizer: Paraguay Branch
On October 14 (Sat.), the II Championship of South American Children Juvenile 2017 was held in Asuncion, Paraguay.
This event counted with the participation of 6 countries from the region of South America: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay with a participation of 157 competitors. The categories in competition were Kata and Kumite.
At the official Inauguration, in addition to the Branch Chiefs of the countries mentioned above, there were the presence of Mr. Juan Fernandez, President of the Paraguayan Federation of Karate Do and Representative of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee.
There was also the distinguished presence of the Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of Japan, Mr. Ryotaro Kasai.
On October 15th (Sun.), a Technical Seminar was held by Shihan Denivaldo Carvalho from Brazil and Shihan Eduardo Garcia from Uruguay.
Taking advantage of the presence of practically all the Branch Chiefs of South America, on Sunday afternoon a meeting was held for the Championship evaluation, and remarked subjects of interest in the region.