主催者:ポーランド支部 エウゲニウシュ・ダディブグ支部長
Poland Dadzibug Branch Training Seminar 2017
Date: October 13-15, 2017
Place: Stara Wies, Poland
Organizer: Poland Branch Chief Eugeniusz Dadzibug
Branch Chief Eugeniusz Dadzibug organized a training semimar in Stara Wies on October 13-15. Over 30 participants participated in 7 hard trainings focused on Kihon, Kata, and Kumite, as well as improving overall physical condition. Kumite combinations were done in pairs on mats and during outdoor trainings.
Dojo Stara Wies is a Japanese Martial Arts and Sports Centre, designed and built in accordance with the principles of Japanese architecture amid the Polish landscape and is unique on a world scale.