主催者:ポーランド支部 エウゲニウシュ・ダディブグ支部長
Poland Dadzibug Branch Winter Camp 2018
Date: January 28-February 4, 2018
Place: Bukowina Tatrzanska, Poland
Organizer: Poland Branch Chief Eugeniusz Dadzibug
Poland Branch Chief Shihan Eugeniusz Dadzibug 5 Dan once again organized a Winter Camp in the Polish mountains from the end of January to early February.
About 80 participants took part in this event. Most of them are adepts from Branch Chief Dojo. From children to masters they were training together for seven days in the snow covered south region of Poland. In this beautiful scenery and motivating atmosphere created by Shihan Dadzibug they were improving theirs skills in kihon, kata and kumite. The most challenging part of Polish Winter Camp is run on the Morskie Oko. Morskie Oko (literally “Sea Eye” or “Eye of the Sea”) is the largest and fourth-deepest lake in the Tatra Mountains. It is located deep within the Tatra National Park, Poland, almost 1400 meters above sea. Only the most persistent participants are taking part in this running with high altitude, the route length is 9km in one way uphill with many turns, after a short break in the mountain shelter by side of the lake they are running downhill by the same route. Participants also benefited from the possibility of winter sports on the moutain slopes, as well as the swimming pool and saunas.