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新極真空手大会 ハンガリー・ドリームカップ2023





Dream Cup Hungary 2023 – Team and Para Karate Championship

Date: 18th November, 2023
Place: Jasz Plasztik Arena, Budapest, Hungary
Organizer: Hungarian Shinkyokushin Sport Organization (Branch Chief Arpad Kalmar)

On November 18, 2023, the Dream Cup Team & Para Karate Championship international karate competition took place in Budapest, with the participation of 2 continents (Asia and Europe).
The competition was held in youths, juniors, adults, and masters categories, in individual and team kata, and team kumite as well as in self-defense competitions.

The opening ceremony began with traditional shamanic drumming and procession, followed by the introduction of the guests of honor. Greetings were given by Brigadier General Dr. Laszlo Garamvolgyi and Dr. Janos Zsuga, country representative, WKO BC, as well as Lajos Kasza, director of the host Jász -Plasztik Ltd.

After the opening ceremony, the spectacular Parasport Karate Kata and self-defense demonstrations were presented and won the great appreciation of the public.
Then, the individual and team Fullcontact Kumite and Kata competitions took place,
which also had spectacular performances and heated battles.

In team Kata, last year’s winner, the team of Kagami kai from Debrecen (Hungary) won the victory. In the kumite, the International Budokai team and last year’s champion Kazakhstan national team faced off, and the Kazakhstan team emerged as the winner.
Medals and gorgeous trophies were awarded to more than 120 prize winners in the various categories of the parasport competition and in team karate competitions.
As an overall result, the grand winner of the Dream Cup was again the Kazakhstan national team. Congratulations!

As the team competition style gained such a popularity, the organizing committee plans to host a large-scale international team world competition in Hungary in the future.

The competition was also honored by the presence of well-known personalities from domestic and international karate, sports, and public life, including especially Shihan Batyrkhan Sarmanov, the Kazakhstan Branch Chief, Shihan Jozsef Kaloczi, the Hungarian Branch chief, the leaders of the Hungarian Karate Association, including Mr. Magyar Adrian, the national parasport team coach, and special thanks to the leaders of the other Kyokushin organizations and the judges.


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