日時: 2016年1月4日~7日
場所: カザフスタン・アラタウ山脈
主催者: カザフスタン支部 アディルベク・イルセムベトフ支部長
Kazakhstan Winter Camp at the Alatau Mountains
Date: January 4th – 7th, 2016
Place: Lyceum ‘Arystan’ at the Alatau Mountains about 1600 meters a.s.l.
Organizer: Kazakhstan Branch Chief Adilbek Irsembetov
80 members from Irsembetov’s Branch in Kazakhstan have spent traditional Winter Camp at middle altitude of the Alatau Mountains on January 4th – 7th.
During the camp we had trained 3 times a day, learning and improving Kata of high level, working out more complex techniques.