パキスタン支部(サヒブ・ザダ・アル・ハディ支部長)は3月8日にカイバル・パクトゥンクワ州 Uー21ゲームズ、地域対抗フルコンタクト空手大会をペシャワールで開催しました。
40キロ以下級:フィザン・シカンダル (D.I. カーン地区)
50キロ以下級:イイアズ・ウル・ハク (マラカンド地区)
60キロ以下級:シャムス・ウル・アリフィーン (ペシャワール地区)
70キロ以下級:シャハブ・カーン( ペシャワール地区)
KP U-21 Games Full Contact Karate Championship 2020 in Peshawar
Date: 8th March 2020
Place: Sports Complex Peshawar, Pakistan
Organizer: WKO Pakistan (Branch Chief Sahibzada Al Hadi)
Pakistan branch (Branch Chief Sahibzada Al Hadi) held the KP U-21 Games, an inter-regional Full Contact karate tournament, on 8th March in Peshawar, under the supervision of Sports Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.
Mr. Tariq Muhammad, the Deputy Director of KP Province Sports Government, was the main guest of the event, and he awarded the medals and trophies to the winners as well as praised the efforts of WKO Pakistan branch for the development of Full Contact karate in the region.
In this event, there were 79 participants from 7 regions, and the winner of each category is as follows;
-40 kg category: Fizan Sikandar (D.I. khan Region)
-50 kg category: Ijaz Ul Haq (Malakand Region)
-60 kg category: Shams Ul Arifeen (Peshawar region)
-70kg category: Shahab Khan (Peshawar Region)
-80kg category: Rafid Ali (Peshawar Region)
Open weight category: Tahseen Ullah (Peshawar Region)