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新極真会空手 ノルウェー支部サマーキャンプ2024








Norwegian Summer Camp 2024

Date: June 20-23, 2024
Place: Horten, Norway
Organizer: Norway Branch (Horten Karate Club, Branch Chief Ole Thomassen Grejs)

The Norwegian Summer Camp gathered 120 participants this year, and this shows good growth in the number of participants. More members and Dojos have joined the Norwegian organization. At the same time, this year’s guest instructors are very popular and attract many athletes to the camp.
Valeri Dimitrov, Bulgaria, and Nikolaj Lunn Jensen, Denmark – both vice World Champions at the 13th World Championship. With these two extraordinary instructors, both disciplines, Kata and Kumite, were very well covered. The camp also had visitors from Sweden and Denmark.
Nikolaj Lunn Jensen has played a very important role in building up Norway’s Kata team and has visited Norway a number of times to guide and inspire Kata practitioners. Jensen is more than a performer; he also has excellent teaching skills. Good training tools to create improvement are educationally presented so that everyone understands. Everyone who has taken part in his training takes something home with them every time, and everyone can feel that they are actually building something.
Valeri Dimitrov does not need any introduction, well known for his extraordinary skills. Dimitrov visited Norway for his fourth time, but the last time was in 2013 – so this was a highly anticipated reunion for many. Dimitrov gives unique input in his teaching. Mixing between new ideas, that gives everybody inspiration and how to use basic techniques effectively – in a new setting. When it comes to sparring – it is safe to say that Valeri Dimitrov can teach everyone a thing or two, also using elements that have been a part of the training. And of course, it is a great inspiration for the participants to do sparring with him as well.
Nikolaj Lunn Jensen and Valeri Dimitrov, both are exemplary role models when it comes to following the way of Budo.

All pictures taken by Tony Rytter, Modum Karate Club


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