主催者:ポーランド支部 エウゲニウシュ・ダディブグ支部長
Poland Dadzibug Branch New Year’s Training 2020
Date: January 3, 2020
Place: Sosnowiec, Poland
Organizer: Poland Branch Chief Eugeniusz Dadzibug
Poland Branch Chief Shihan Eugeniusz Dadzibug 6 Dan organized a New Year’s Training in Sosnowiec on January 3, like the last few years in the same place and date but with some new faces. About 100 members participated in this event. Children and adults welcomed the New Year 2020 together in the best way for Kyokushin Karate spirit, hard training. After training kumite and kata, time was dedicated to congratulate those who passed the kyu & dan exams. They received certificates from Shihan Dadzibug, and celebrated in classic style with champagne. At the end of the training, all participants received commemorative calendars for the new 2020 year.