芦原カラテ・インターナショナル、Fight Spur、国際如水会館シンガポール、極真館シンガポール、極真禅和会館、トン空手道場、新極真会五十嵐道場、新極真会シンガポールなど、各フルコンタクト空手団体から100名近い参加者が集いました。
1 男子-60kg、-70kgカテゴリーの入賞者達
2 男子-80kg、-90kg、女子カテゴリーの入賞者達
3 型 男子、型 女子カテゴリーの入賞者達
4 各子供、ティーンズカテゴリーの入賞者達
5 大会当日のアンチ ドーピング シンガポール(ADS)のブース活動や記念撮影
6 上部左からMMA協会会長のヴィンセント・ン師範/ アーネスト オン大会運営委員長への感謝の盾贈呈 /セントジョーンズ救急団体への感謝の盾贈呈/ セントジョーンズ救急団体との記念撮影
7 上部から、ボン師範と大会審判員/ パトリック テオ国代表の大会開会スピーチ/ 鈴木指導員とクスタブ指導員による決まり手と反則技デモンストレーション/ 新極真会シンガポール支部のトップ選手レイ ジアハンによる選手宣誓/ 開会式の選手達
8 男子、女子カテゴリー決勝戦
9 子供、ティーンズカテゴリー決勝戦
10 型 男子、型 女子カテゴリー決勝戦
11 全選手、スポンサー、大会委員会との集合写真
The 7th Singapore Full Contact Karate Championship 2024
Date: 21st April 2024
Place: Caritas Agape Village at Toa Payoh, Singapore
Organizer: WKO Shinkyokushinkai Singapore
The 7th Singapore Full Contact (SFC) event has finally resumed after a challenging five-year hiatus due to the post-COVID period. This marks a significant milestone as it’s our inaugural event under the Singapore Full Contact Karate Organization branding, signalling the first step towards the reunification of the full contact community in Singapore.
Nearly a hundred participants representing various esteemed organizations graced the event, including Ashihara Karate International, FightSpur, Kokusai Josui Kaikan Singapore, Kyokushin-Kan Singapore, Kyokushin Zenwa Kai, Tong Karate Dojo, WKO Igarashi Dojo, and WKO Singapore.
For Kumite, participants competed in Children, Teenagers, and Adult categories, and Kata competitions featured Men’s and Women’s categories, highlighting the diverse talent within our community.
In a ground-breaking move, we partnered with Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS) to raise awareness about clean sports in full contact karate competitions. ADS set up an outreach booth and delivered an informative presentation, enlightening the audience about anti-doping measures in sports. We eagerly anticipate future collaborations with ADS to further promote clean sportsmanship in both local and international tournaments.
Our esteemed guest for the 7th SFC was Master Vincent Ng, President of the Singapore MMA Association, alongside several distinguished VIPs, including Shihans from multiple organizations and pioneering members of Kyokushin in Singapore.
We’re thrilled to announce that the 7th SFC concluded on a high note, with emotions ranging from tears of joy to disappointment. However, what stood out the most was the unwavering display of strong budo spirit by all participants, embodying the essence of martial arts.
Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate an even stronger and larger participation in the coming year. Osu!