主催者:スペイン支部 ヘスス・タラン支部長
Spain Talan Branch Summer Camp 2015
Date: June 25-28, 2015
Place: Sepulveda, Spain
Organizer: Spain Branch Chief Jesus Talan
The Spanish Shinkyokushinkai Federation (Branch Chief Jesus Talan), held its Summer Camp 2015 in Sepulveda during June 25-28, 2015. The 100 participants enjoyed the teachings of Sensei Kazuhito Yamada and Sensei Yamada Nozomi, in particular, Sensei Kazuhito Yamada’s famous Tsuki combinations and Sensei Nozomi Yamada’s hard stamina lessons, and the warm atmosphere they presented that left a great memory for everyone.
In the Summer Camp, an average of 4 training sessions were conducted daily with some special night trainings and other activities in the pool, which were the delight of all.
We also conducted the grading exam for grades Shodan, Nidan and Sandan, and on the last day, all participants did the same tests of physical condition for the exam, and encouraged the examinees during their Kumite and Tameshiwari tests.
At the end of the Camp, there was a presentation of the new Dan degrees and the two competitors who will represent our Branch in the next World Championship on October 31 and November 1 in Tokyo, Japan: Senpai Ferran Gandia and Senpai Juan Dorin, and the two reserves Senpai Alberto de la Vara and Senpai Jorge Diaz.
It definitely was a great course, thanks to the spirit of all students, and the kind effort of the 2 special instructors.