日時: 2018年7月27日・28日
場所: ウズベキスタン・スルハンダリヤ
主催者: ウズベキスタン支部
Uzbekistan Surkhandarya Seminar for Instructors
Date: July 27th – 28th, 2018
Place: Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan
Organizer: Uzbekistan Branch
Much attention is paid to improvement of skills of carrying out training process in the Center Shinkyokushinkai Karate “NUR-HAS”.
On July 27th -28th, 25 trainer-instructors of four regions and also the Republic of Karakalpakstan went to Surkhandarya to hold the seminar.
It took place in the territory of the camp “Honzhiza” located on slopes of the Gissar Mountains. Audience watched a performance with interest.
For two and a half hours, Branch Chief Khasan Nazarov and Sensei Mutal Nazarov imparted experience and skills of general exercises of Shinkyokushinkai Karate.
Demonstration performances and sparring took place also at a foot of Sangardaks falls which are called one of the most picturesque sights of Uzbekistan. The demonstrations of exercises of Karatekas under water flows delighted the visitors.
Similar trips of Senseis of the Center are engaged not only education of moral and strong-willed qualities and physical readiness of the trainer-instructors but also involving people in Karate, thereby propagandizing a healthy lifestyle among the population, especially youth which is the future of the country.
The Center Shinkyokushinkai Karate Republic of Uzbekistan “NUR-HAS” organizes such seminars two times a year, in summer and autumn.
The summer seminar for trainer instructors was held successfully.