日時: 2018年8月10日~13日
Special Demonstration at the 2018 Taiwan Culinary Exhibition
Date: August 10-13, 2018
Place: Taipei, Taiwan
Organizer: Taiwan Branch
The same as last year, Taiwan Branch carried out a Karate demonstration at the 2018 Taiwan Culinary Exhibition which was organized by the Taiwan Visitors Association in Taipei, Taiwan.
Taiwan is known for its delicious food, and the Taiwan Culinary Exhibition is one of Taiwanese summer features. More than 160, 000 people including many politicians and businessmen visit the event every year.
Although the demonstration was carried out only one time at the special main stage by Taiwan Branch members last year, this year the demonstration such as Kihon, Kata, Kumite, and breaking wooden boards and the ice was carried out two times this year.
Plenty of Shinkyokushin spirit and Japanese Budo spirit were expressed to the audience by the demonstration.