主催者:スペイン支部 ヘスス・タラン支部長
Spain Talan Branch International Open Championship 2019
Date: March 16, 2019
Place: Madrid, Spain
Organizer: Spain Branch Chief Jesus Talan
On March 16 (Sat.), the Spain Talan Branch International Open Championship 2019 was held and it was a great opportunity to have the presence of 300 competitors and 15 countries with more than 50 guest clubs.
The Championship was opened to other organizations in the path of friendship between the Kyokushin, Shinkyokushin and Full Contact groups with the organizations KWF, IFK, KWU, Ashihara, WKB, WKK, IKO, IKAK, IKOKU, ACKK, IKO Matsuhima, So-Kyokushin, Rengokai, etc.,
Many clubs from Europe, and also from America: Canada, North Africa: Morocco and Algeria, Kazakhstan and Russia with the presence of Shihan Khidirov and Sensei Konstantin Beli, and others from KWU, Dojos Kaiman and Sakura (Moscow), and also Shihan Kalaidopoulos from WKO Canada.
A great success with the excellent collaboration of the City Council of Alcorcón, ADA (Soccer Team of the City, always in the top positions of the Second Spanish League) and the Wrestling Spanish Federation.
The championship was developed with categories from 10 years and up, in Kumite and Kata, Women and Men: Childs, Cadets, Junior, Seniors and Veterans, with some specials for Beginners (10º to 6º Kyu) and Veterans (-50 and +50)
The main category was Open Weight, for Women and Men, with special cash prizes.
All this to prepare for the best development of competitors before the next XII World Championship in November 2019.
Thus, a great experience for our Talan Branch, looking for the development of our main activity with these Open Championships with other groups that undoubtedly enlarge the way of WKO Shinkyokushin and the future Olympic Karate in Full Contact Rules.