日時: 2019年12月29日
場所: ウズベキスタン・ナヴォイ
主催者: ウズベキスタン支部
Uzbekistan Branch Last Training of 2019
Date: December 29, 2019
Place: Navoi city, Uzbekistan
Organizer: Uzbekistan Branch
The last training of year 2019 was held in Honbu of the Center Shinkyokushinkai Karate “Nur-Has” on December 29th, 2019.
There were more than 40 Karatekas who had put on a hat of Father Frost in this training.
Since a New Year is 2020, the Karatekas struck 2020 punches of seiken chudan zuki to see in the New Year.
After training, by invitation, the Karatekas went to a Christmas Show held near Navoi city.
With the presence of more than 1,000 spectators, they performed a demonstration such as Kata, Kumite, Tameshiwari, and Self-defence. They showed the power of Shinkiokushinkai!