日時: 2017年2月24日
場所: ウズベキスタン・ナヴォイ
主催者: ウズベキスタン支部
Uzbekistan Fighting Marathon
Date: February 24th, 2017
Place: Navoi, Uzbekistan
Organizer: Uzbekistan Branch
The Center Shinkyokushinkai Karate “NUR-HAS” organized “the Fighting Marathon” on February 24th, 2017 in Navoi, Uzbekistan.
In the “marathon”, participants had 20 fights which took 20 minutes in total. 30 fighters participated in the event, and 24 out of 30 passed it successfully.
The participants were aged from 6 to 65 years old. These Karatekas from Bukhara, Samarkand and Navoi Branches showed themselves top-level.