日時: 2018年8月2日・3日、9月28日~30日
場所: ウズベキスタン・ナヴォイ
主催者: ウズベキスタン支部 カサン・ナザロフ支部長
Uzbekistan International Seminars
Date: August 2-3 & September 28-30, 2018
Place: Navoi, Uzbekistan
Organizer: Uzbekistan Branch Chief Khasan Nazarov
The international seminars were held in Honbu of the Center on August 2–3 and September 28–30 by Branch Chief and Country Representative Khasan Nazarov. Russian Trainer-Instructor Maksim Shevchenko and Kazakhstan Branch Chief Zaina Betirova were invited to the seminars as guest instructors.
More than a hundred members participated in the seminars and learned techniques of Shinkyokushinkai Karate, skills of Kata and Kumite from qualified Senseis.
After the seminars, the guests visited the Academy of Shinkyokushin Karate and went sightseeing of the country.
The seminars were held successfully and the guests had a good impression of Uzbekistan Branch.