主催:WKOポーランド支部 ボイチェフ・ラジェヴィッチ支部長
Poland Shihan Wieslaw Gwizd Memorial Training 2021
Date: June 19, 2021
Place: Tarnow, Poland
Organizer: Poland Branch Chief Wojciech Radziewicz
On June 19, the 5th Shihan Wiesław Gwizd memorial training was held in his hometown Tarnow.
Shihan Gwizd’s students gathered to train together in his memory, and led by Branch Chief Wojciech Radziewicz, trained the techniques that Shihan liked the most, Kihon and Ido.
After the training, the participants lit candles on the grave of Shihan Gwizd, and then had a meeting and meal together.
Everybody felt the spirit of Shihan Gwizd throughout the event.