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主催者:スペイン支部 ヘスース・タラン支部長



Spain Talan Branch General Assembly & Various Seminars 2014

Date: September 20-21, 2014
Place: Madrid, Spain
Organizer: Spain Branch Chief Jesus Talan

On 20-21 September took place in Madrid (Spain) Karateka’s meeting from Branch Chief Shihan Jesus Talán – Shinkyokushin Spain.
First, the General Assembly took place on Saturday 20th afternoon, with instructors from different dojos, welcoming 4 new dojos from the Canary Islands, Valencia, and Madrid.
At night, we held a Welcome Party, in addition to celebrating the 55th birthday of Jesus Talán Shihan.
On the morning of Sunday 21, was busy with a Technical Course divided into groups for Black Belts and Brown Belts with Kihon, Kata, and Ido.
Upon completion, all students attending the Referee Course, as Shihan Jesus Talán considers not only the Judges and Referees must know the rules of Kumite, but all students in our dojos.
Following the ceremony for the new black belts, a very special moment for all was done.
The course was completed as is logical in Shinkyokushin Karate with Kumite for 60 rounds of 1 minute between all students.
Upon completion, a memorial photo with all students and different Dojos was taken, saying being part of a great family.”

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