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日時: 2019年7月21日
場所: ウズベキスタン・ナヴォイ
主催者: ウズベキスタン支部 カサン・ナザロフ支部長&パキスタン支部 サヒブ・ザダ・アル・ハディ支部長


DR イルファン・ユサフ・シャミ特命全権大使に温かく迎えていただき、ウズベキスタンとパキスタンにおけるスポーツ(特にフルコンタクト空手)振興について話し合うことができました。
また、DR イルファン・ユサフ・シャミ特命全権大使は、パキスタンにて新極真空手の普及に努力を重ねるサヒブ・ザダ・アル・ハディ支部長を労いました。

International Seminar Uzbekistan – Pakistan

Date: July 21, 2019
Place: Navoi, Uzbekistan
Organizer: WKO Uzbekistan & Pakistan

On July 21, Pakistan Branch Chief Sahib Zada Al Hadi visited Uzbekistan with his members (Inayatullah Khan, Rehan Hameed, Fawad Khan, Zain ul Abideen, M Ihtesham ul Haq) to hold the International Seminar with Uzbekistan Branch Chief & Country Representative Khasan Nazarov.
After arrival in Tashkent, they came to the city of Navoi, where there is Honbu “NUR-HAS” Shinkyokushinkai Karate.
At 9:00 a.m. on July 21, the International Seminar (Kihon, Ido ,Kata, Kumite) has started. After 12:00 p.m., we went to the city of Bukhara, the city of 2,500 years old. We visited Museums and historic sites like the Arc. The second training session was held from 17:00 p.m. to 20:00 p.m. After the International Seminar, the participants were awarded certificates from Uzbekistan Branch Chief & Country Representative Khasan Nazarov and Pakistan Branch Chief Sahib Zada Al Hadi. More than 80 Karatekas participated in this seminar.
Our goal is to develop Karate in our countries, and for 2020, we aim to organize a Full Contact Karate meeting between states or international teams.

After the International Seminar, on July 24, the delegation from Pakistan visited the Embassy of Pakistan in Tashkent.
The Ambassador of Pakistan Embassy DR Irfan Yousaf Shami welcomed Pakistan Shinkyokushin Karate Team. The meeting was about the promotion of Sports (Full Contact Shinkyokushin Karate) in Uzbekistan and Pakistan. He also appreciated the efforts of Branch Chief Sahib Zada Al Hadi for the Full Contact Shinkyokushin Karate in Pakistan.

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