主催者:スペイン支部 ヘスス・タラン支部長
Spain Talan Branch Winter Kyu Grading 2018
Date: February 17, 2018
Place: Alcorcon, Spain
Organizer: Spain Branch Chief Jesus Talan
On Saturday, February 17, a Kyu grading exam was held for students from the Dojo Shinkyokushin Alcorcón, with WKO Spain Branch Chief Shihan Jesus Talán.
120 participants of cadets, junior and senior, came to pass a tough four-hour exam. All the students of Shihan Jesus Talán go to this exam, some to obtain a new belt, others to recycle the belt they have, and keep in mind the requirements for when they are examined.
Some students also participated from other Dojos: Madrid, Logroño, Valencia, and Alicante, especially thanks to Shihan Alberto Morras from Logroño Tamashi Shinkyokushin Dojo. Without a doubt, a great experience to be with the students from the Honbu Dojo.
Also participating were those that will be examined at the end of June of Grading Dan.
A good test to see their progress at 4 months before their exam. Thus 20 aspiring Shodan, Nidan and Sandan, could practice their exam and see what they should improve.
The Exam requires a great personal improvement, through the phases of Kihón, Ido Geiko, Kata, and etc.
The stamina phase is very special for Shihan Jesus Talán and his hard requirements are famous: for juniors and seniors, 100 push-ups, 120 sit-ups, 20 push-ups on two fingers, 100 squats, 30 jumps over a belt folded three times, and especially kicking Geri of Keage, Mae, Yoko, Soto and Uchi, with a total of 800 repetitions.
The Fights phase with 50 Kumite, for warm up and after each student that is examined, then make the ones that correspond to their grade, being the limit of 20 Kumite for 1st. Kyu.
Also, important the Tameshiwari phase, which is done from 8 Kyu, with different requirements according to the Kyu. 1 Kyu has to break 6 woods with different techniques.
A pride of students and exam, which culminate with the presence of our oldest student José Toro with 68 years, and was examined for 3 Kyu, a great example for young generations.