日 時: 2017年7月22日
場所: インドネシア・東ジャワ州スラバヤ
主催者: インドネシア支部
The 20th All Indonesia Shinkyokushin Karate Championship
Date: July 22, 2017
Place: Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Organizer: Indonesia Branch
In the Saturday morning of July 22, 2017, around 120 participants from 8 provinces gathered at the Sport Hall, Untag-Surabaya, for competition in the 20th All Indonesia Shinkyokushin Karate Championship.
For this time, Junior Categories were included to accommodate junior participants.
Especially for Male & Female Categories, this was a selection competition to choose some competitors for the next Asian Championship which will be held in Singapore next year.
The competitions started at 9:30 and ended around 16:00 using two arenas.
The results of the championship are as follows:
The 20th All Indonesia Championship