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日時: 2015年5月2日
場所: インドネシア、バリ島デンパサール
主催者: WKOインドネシア支部

この大会には8ヵ国(インドネシア、オーストラリア、シンガポール、マレーシア、ベトナム、タイ、香港、韓国)から合計62名(内半数はインドネ シア)の選手が参加し、3つのカテゴリーで競い合いました。

インドネシアは他国から選び抜かれた強豪選手達を相手に、熊田研一郎選手が男子75kg未満で優勝、グスフィ・エラヌ選手がシンガポールの巨人ロ ナルド・ベルナード選手を抑え男子75kg以上で3位、という好成績を収めました。
一方、第11回世界大会のアジア地区代表選抜戦でもあった女子無差別級では、組手の豊富な経験を持つラクシュミ・デヴァインドラン選手が、自身よ りも体格の大きいレベッカ・ウェラー選手に勝利し優勝しました。この結果、デヴァインドラン選手がアジア地区代表選手に選ばれました。

The 4th Indonesia Open Karate Championship

Date: May 2nd, 2015
Place: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Organizer: WKO Indonesia Branch

The 4th Indonesia Open Karate Championship was held on May 2nd, 2015 in Denpasar, Bali
A total of 62 fighters participated in the Championship from 8 countries, which are Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Korea.
(A half of the fighters was from Indonesia.)
There were 3 categories, which are Male -75 Kg, Male + 75 Kg, and Female Open Weight.
Especially for Female, this was a selection tournament to choose one participant representing WKO Asia Region in the 11th World Open Karate Championship.

Since the beginning we already knew that Indonesian fighters would face strong opponents from abroad because they all sent the best fighters.
In the Quarter Final, we could see all the best fighters from all countries were there.

This period, Indonesia did not have strong fighters compared with those from abroad. Fortunately, Mr. Kenichiro Kumata from Jakarta Dojo won the first place for category Male -75 kg and Mr. Gusffi Eranu won the third place for category +75 kg after blocking the giant from Singapore, Mr. Ronald Bernard, who was 195 cm tall and weighed 126 kg.

In Female Category, as predicted, eventually Ms. Laxmi Devaindran from Singapore who is very experienced in Kumite won. In the final, she beat fighters from Australia (Ms. Rebecca Weller) who was heavier and larger than her.

The Results :
Male -75 Kg :
1. Kenichiro Kumata (DKI);
2. Hidenori Nakagawa (Thailand);
3. Nyi Aung Win (Singapore);
3. Jack Abramovitch (Australia)

Male +75 Kg :
1. Mathew Prodanovix (Australia);
2. Andre Nakad (Australia);
3. Gusffi Eranu (DKI);
3. Choe Seong Yeon (Korea)

Female Open Weight :
1. Laxmi Devaindran (Singapore);
2. Rebecca Weller (Australia);
3. Lee Lai Yee (Hong Kong);
4. Cheng Ka Ian (Hong Kong)

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