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日時: 2016年7月10日
場所: アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレス州アレハンドロ・コルン・ソーシャル・クラブ
主催者: アルゼンチン支部


The WKO Shinkyokushinkai Argentina National Championship 2016

Date: July 10th, 2016
Place: Club Social de Alejandro Korn, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Organizer: WKO Argentina Branch

On Sunday 10th of July, the WKO Shinkyokushinkai Argentina National Championship 2016 and Qualifier South American Championship were held.
The tournament was held in Buenos Aires. Kata competitions were held in the morning and Kumite competitions were held in the afternoon.
70 competitors participated in the championship and there was very strong fighting spirit of Shinkyokushinkai.
Sergio Pini, Branch Chief of Argentina extended special thanks to all the teachers, judges, competitors and staff of WKO Argentina Branch, especially Mr. Eduardo Vallejos, Mr. Rodolfo Furbatto, Mr. Javier Felix, Mr. Fabio Sandoval, and Mr. Claudio Perez for the excellent work of the successful event.

The official results are as follows:

Open Male, (Qualifier for South American Championship)
1st Lucas Pelizzari
2nd Adrian Guirao
3rd Franco Salvucci
3rd Jorge Nievas

Male 16-17 years
1st Tomas Acosta
2nd Mandonado Leandro Ariel
3rd Facundo Varela
3rd Ramires Facundo

Male 14-15 years
1st Joan Gotia
2nd Cristian Paredes
3rd Giovanny Alexis Hernandez Diaz
3rd Walter Maydana

Male 12-13 years
1st Alejandro Morales
2nd Elian Borda
3rd García Alex

Male 10-11 years
1st Tomas Viera
2nd Alan Borda
3rd Julian Roldan

Male 8-9 years
1st Alexis Gutierrez
2nd Franco Garcia
3rd Thomas Joaquín Cespedes
3rd Iván Borda

Male 6-7 years
1st Joaquin Gonzalez
2nd Agustin Gonzalez

Open Female, (Qualifier for South American Championship)
1st Ayelen Díaz
2nd Micaela Diaz
3rd Betiana Ramirez
3rd Inti Lorena Borda

Female 14-17 years
1st Melina Elizondo
2nd Victoria Mellino

Female 12-13 years
1st Maidana Ramirez
2nd Sofia Goitia
3rd Florencia Díaz
3rd Nayla González

Female 10-11 years
1st Candela Gonzalez
2nd Alvarenga Camila

Female 8-9 years
1st Sol Kandiko
2nd Maidana Narella Agustina

Best Technique Award – Franco Salvucci
Fighting Spirit Award – Sánchez Daniel

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