主催者:フランス支部 パスカル・ルクセル支部長
French Seminar 2017
Date: April 29-30, 2017
Place: Saint-Pierre des Corps, France
Organizer: Branch Chief Pascal Rouxel
The French Seminar 2017 was held in France on April 29th and 30th under the direction of Shihan Jesus TALAN of Andorra/Spain with Sempai Maciek MAZUR of Poland as our special guest after his European title.
The seminar was held in Saint-Pierre des Corps, a city close to Tours (centrum of France). Bernard NARDOT-PEYRILLE was in charge of the logistics and welcomed Shihan TALAN and Sempai MAZUR on Friday April 28th.
Around 70 students arrived by Saturday morning and the seminar could start at 10:00 am with Sempai MAZUR helped by Sensei VANROYEN and DESMEDT. In another dojo, the national grading test was held, supervised by Shihan TALAN and Sensei ROUXEL as French Branch Chief. Sensei Bernard NAZARET and Bruno PICARD, two other high French grades were present to watch at 17 students. Among them, 2 persons tested for Nidan and 4 persons tested for Shodan.
After the mid-day break Shihan TALAN conducted the afternoon seminar ended by one hour and half of fighting test for people attending the grading.
We all had good time during a nice dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
Sunday morning, Shihan TALAN conducted the warm up training before he had to leave, having his train then his plane to go back to Spain.
After a nice breakfast offered in the dojo, the training started again. Two groups were done and people could train either with Sempai MAZUR and Sensei DESMEDT.
The results of the national grading test have been given during the last ceremony.
The national seminar ended around 1:00 pm and each student went back home.
French Branch Chief