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日時: 2020年2月7~9日
場所: インドネシア・バンドン・レンバン
主催者: インドネシア支部


Indonesia Karate Seminar & Dan Test

Date: February 7-9, 2020
Place: Lembang, Bandung, Indonesia
Organizer: Indonesia Branch

A Katate Seminar and Dan Test were held on February 7-9 in Lembang, Bandung, Indonesia.
Around 120 participants from all Indonesian WKO Shinkyokushinkai have gathered at PP PUAD Lembang on February 7, 2020. Around 30 participants failed to attend even though they had paid because they were unable to attend, especially with the coronavirus issue which made some people rethink to attend. The committee itself was almost considering to postpone the implementation schedule, but because various parties were ready to depart, especially from outside Java, the events continued eventually and everything ran smoothly.

In the morning of February 8, all participants had gathered in the tennis field despite the drizzling rain. Before the training began, a black belt awarding ceremony was held for Sensei Budiman Sutanto, Chairperson of WKO Indonesia, to celebrate his promotion to 4th Dan.
As explained repeatedly, whatever he said, every time attending a karate seminar there must be something that can be learned to perfect the Karate technique which was originally considered to be correct. Especially for those who are thirsty for this martial arts and pro-active to look for it, he will be more perfect in demonstrating the techniques of Kihon, Kata and other, Shihan J.B. Sujoto said.

Once the training event was over, the meeting was immediately proceeded to decide on the 2020 agendas and other matters relating to the survival of this organization.
The evening continued with a face-to-face event with all participants to convey the development of WKO both domestically and internationally for the members’ knowledge materials. The evening program ended around 10:00 p.m.

On February 9, the Dan Test started at 8:30 a.m. for those who have met the requirements both in terms of age and years required to challenge the next Dan. There were 22 participants from various regions.
The exam ended around 11:30 a.m. and 20 participants passed.

The event ended with lunch together. There were those who continued to stay to enjoy the atmosphere of Bandung and there were also those who returned directly to their places.

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