主催:カナダ支部 ノーマン・ボルデロー支部長、他
音楽に合わせ型の演武、武器を用いた攻撃に対しての護身術や、和太鼓の演奏が披露されました。ロンゲール・カラテスクールは、暴力やあらゆる脅迫に屈しない理念で設立されたことから、同じような理念でNPOを立ち上げた ラッパーのキャスパーが登場しライブを行いました。
Longueuil Karate School Show
Date: June 14th, 2014
Place: St-Lambert, Quebec Canada
Organizers: Sensei Normand Bordeleau WKO Quebec, Canada and Sempai Marie-Josée Tremblay
On Saturday June 14th, 2014, the members of the Longueuil Karate School presented a show at Champlain College in Quebec, Canada. The participants, from all age groups, were very excited and proud to demonstrate all their efforts and talent. The show included Kata’s executed to music, weapons manipulation, self-defence as well as taiko shows. Since the Longueuil Karate School also fights against intimidation and violence, the show included a performance by rapper Kasper, who founded a non-profit organisation called “intimidactions”.
This show would not have been possible without the help and collaboration of several people both on and behind the stage. Many people participated in the preparation of this event and many came to show their support, some of which were for the Greenfield Park School. This event was a success and showed the strength of Shinkyokushin in the Longueuil Region.