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主催者:WKOウルグアイ支部 (エドゥアルド・ガルシア支部長)





ジュニアの部優勝 カルロス・ゴメス(リベラ市・リベラ道場)
女子の部優勝 クラウディア・シルベイラ(ツゥィー市・アンディ道場)
70キロ以下級優勝 エリック・コレッオ(ピナル市・ピナル道場)
80キロ以下級優勝 アドリアノ・ヘルナンデス(メルセデス市・極真魂道場)
80キロ超級優勝 ガブリエル・マルヴィノ(モンテヴィデオ市・本部道場)
技能賞 ホアン・マニュエル・ディアス(モンテビデオ市・ザンシン道場)
敢闘賞 ダーウイン・ゴンザレス(モンテビデオ市・本部道場)
ベスト・ノックアウト賞 フレディ・メンデス(ツゥィー市・アンディ道場)
z final

2013 Uruguay Championship Qualifier for the All American Cup

Date:11th May 2013
Place:The Welcom Stadium, Uruguay
Organizer:WKO Uruguay Branch

On Saturday 11th of May, it was held the 2013 Uruguay National Championship Qualifier for the All American Cup in Costa Rica.
In the event were present Carlos Pazos (Director of Sports Promotion of the Ministry of Sports) Dr. Daniel Zarrillos (Chief Secretary Sports IMM) Prof. Pablo Alvarez (Director General of the Secretary of the Culture Ministry and ITK representative), Ms. Rumiko Kitao (Cultural attendant of the Japan Embassy), Ms Emiko Yamaguchi (economic attendant of the Japan Embassy ) Dr. Juan Carlos Barranquet, the Uruguayan-Japan Technical Cooperation Association President (former scholar Japan Association, JICA), Mrs. Miyuki Sakamoto (Vice President of the Japanese Association in Uruguay) Mr. Riuji Noro (Secretary of the Japanese Association in Uruguay) Prof. Sergio Pini (Argentina Shinkyokushinkai Director) Mr. Paul Minetti (Vice President of the Karate Uruguayan Confederation) Mr Luis Rodriguez (ANCAP representative) Mr. Fernando Hernandez (Jetmar representative) Pablo Camarero (R. Sanz Sports Representative).

Shihan Eduardo Gacía extends a special thanks to all the teachers, judges, competitors and staff members of Uruguay Shinkyokushinkai Organization for the excellent work done for the success that was the National Championship Qualifier for the All American Cup in Costa Rica.

The Welcome stadium was full of people and vibrated with the thrilling combat full of Kyokushin Spirit. There was also a display of dances from japan by the members of the Japanese Association in Uruguay as well as the tipical exhibition of Kihon from kids in charge of WKO Uruguay General Manager, Senpai Norberto Sena.

The results are as follows:

Juniors: Champion Carlos Gomez from Rivera Dojo. (Rivera City)
Women: Champion Claudia Silveira from Andy Dojo. (Chuy City)
-70kgs: Champion Erik Correo from Pinar Dojo. (Pinar City)
-80kgs: Champion Adriano Hernández from Kyokushin Tamashi Dojo. (Mercedes City)
+80kgs: Champion Gabriel Malvino from Honbu Dojo. (Montevideo City)

Best Technique Award: Juan Manuel Diaz from Zanshin Dojo. (Montevideo City)
Fighting Spirit Award: Darwin Gonzalez from Honbu Dojo. (Montevideo City)
Best Knock Out Award: Freddy Mendez from Andy Dojo. (Chuy City)

新極真会について 新極真会で心極める
新極真会への入会者募集中 入会希望者の方へ