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新極真会 ウルグアイ・第3回フルコンタクト空手選手権大会




Uruguay 3rd Fullcontact Karate Tournament

Date: July 20, 2024
Place: Ernesto de Leon Stadium, Durazno City – Uruguay
Organizer: Uruguay Fullcontact Karate Organization

On 20 July 2024, Uruguay 3rd National Fullcontact Karate Tournament was held in Durazno, the capital city of the Durazno department.
The tournament had honor of having the presence of Shihan Sergio Pini of Argentine, who is President of AFKO (Argentina Fullcontact Karate Organization) and Director of Shinkyokushinkai Argentina. Despite very cold winter weather on the day, the event gathered a large audience and prominent competitors.
The main feature of the event was its role as a qualifier for the upcoming South American Fullcontact Championship, which will take place in São Paulo in November 2024. The event took place in a spirit of healthy competition and camaraderie, motivated by a unified purpose of forming the national team and the desire to build a qualified and strong regional team to represent the area at the 1st WFKO World Championship next year in Japan.
During the competition rounds, there were notable demonstrations by children and adults from different Dojos, including Kyouken, Zanshin, Hajimeru, and Honbu Dojo.
The presence of a large audience created a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere for the 182 participants who gathered at this tournament, which included various contact karate organizations from Uruguay, such as Kyokushin Union, Kyokushinkan, Independent Kyokushin, UFK, and Shinkyokushinkai.
(Tournament Committee: Elinton Flores, Federico Diaz, Gabriel Malvino
Support Committee: Wilson Bertiz, Oscar Diaz, Fernando Charbonier, Alvaro Costa)

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