多田支部長には沢山の興味深い訓練方法を指導していただき、またその技量のすばらしさんに生徒達は皆夢中になり、熱心に稽古に取り組み、非常に素晴らしいセミナーとなりました。 併せて行われた昇段審査では、参段、弐段の昇段審査に6名が合格となりました。
Volga River Branches Seminar, Russia
Date: 24th to 26th August, 2012
Place: Ulyanovsk, Russia
Organizer: WKO Russia Branch
( Branch Chiefs: Mr.Ilyushkin Leonid, Mr.Vyacheslav Mitrikovsky)
From August 24 to August 26, the Seminar for the students of the Volga River Branches of Russia took place at Ulyanovsk State University in Ulyanovsk city.
80 students participated in this event from 9 regions of Russia. (Ulyanovsk region, Samara region, Voronezh region, Orenburg region, Perm Krai, Republic Tatarstan, Republic Mordavia, Republic Bashkortostan and Moscow).
Training sessions were led by specially invited instructor from Japan, Mr. Tada Shuichiro,Brach Chief of West Osaka, with the help of the well known Russian fighters Mr. Vasily Khudyakov and Mr.Maxim Shevchenko.
The Seminar was carried out with big success. Sensei Tada showed many interesting exercises and stunned all students his fine technical skill. All participants of the Seminar worked hard with big enthusiasm.
In the Dan test which was carried out within the seminar, 6 instructors have successfully passed their 3rd or 2nd Dan grading.