日時: 2016年3月20日
場所: ブラジル・サンパウロ州バルエリ
主催者: ブラジル支部
この大会は本部の指導員および審判のトレーニングや、大会に出場したことのない選手や保護者へのルール説明を目的としており、型と組手の試合 が行われました。
Brazil Regional Championship for Children
Date: March 20th, 2016
Place: Barueri, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Organizer: WKO Brazil Branch
On March 20th, the Regional Championship for Children was held at Hombu Dojo in Barueri.
Competitors gathered from Dojos in 4 cities, which are Barueri, Carapicuiba, Osasco, and Embu Guacu.
This championship had Kata and Kumite categories, and was held for instructors and referees at Hombu Dojo as well as for competitors who had never participated in any championships before and their parents so that they would understand rules better.
This championship greatly stimulated them to participate in state and national level championships in the future.